Baked Potato Wedges

Spring is the perfect time for bbq’s and  picnics in the park. Whether you cook hot dogs or burgers, fries should be a side dish. However, homemade fries is an easy dish to ruin. You want that crispy outside with a soft, creamy inside but without the grease or oil.

An alternative to deep-frying the fries is to bake them as potato wedges and get that perfect texture inside and out. This cooking method is healthier, faster and much easier to complete.

Russet potatoes(2 per person), washed and cut into eighths.
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/4 teaspoon salt

First, pick out some medium-sized russet potatoes. The recipe I am using was given to me by Sam Handam, a local restaurant owner. He said he uses about two potatoes per person.

“Unless they are small of course then I use more,” he said jokingly. Sam said he uses this recipe at personal bbq’s and his restaurant which serves fish and chips.

“I like wedges more for bbq’s because they are thicker and you get a better potato taste,” he said.

• Heat the oven to 425 degrees.

•Cut the potatoes into eighths and place them in a bowl with the olive oil and spices.

•Toss the wedges in the bowl to evenly coat each one.

•Place the wedges on a baking sheet and put them in the preheated oven and bake for 25-30 minutes. Then let cool for about 5 minutes before eating.


One customer Ruben said he prefers these type of fries over any from a fast food place. “I prefer my fries homemade because they taste better and are fresh.” Ruben goes to Sam’s restaurant a couple of times a week. He enjoy’s this place more than other fish and chip restaurants because of the “quality” of food.

My only adjustment to this recipe when I recreated it was that before I placed the wedges in the oven to cook, I cooked them in boiling water for about 5 minutes. My reason for doing so was to assure that all the potatoes cook evenly and get a more crispy texture. This also reduces cooking time in the oven to 20-25 minutes.

Other than that, I liked this recipe because it is simple and healthier than traditional french fries. You can adjust the seasoning and add your own twists. Sometimes I add cajun seasoning to enhance the flavor. Just don’t add as much salt if you add other seasonings. Enjoy!


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